Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Merry Christmas no more?

Photo Credits here
I am saddened to read every where in FB that they have to censor themselves in greeting people MERRY CHRISTMAS for fear of offending somebody. I cannot imagine not being able to greet anyone MERRY CHRISTMAS! in high spirits. Friends or not, all people alike, you greet, you smile, they greet and smile back at you.

Even the non-Christians who doesn't celebrate Christmas doesn't make it an issue and still wishes you a MERRY CHRISTMAS in same merry spirits people are in.

I wonder if one day I would get fined, or jailed for just saying so. That would be the day. One thing for sure though, I won't change that. I can respect other religion and beliefs, I don't ask them to change theirs because I might be offended. They can celebrate their own beliefs and I can enjoy with them, for most of them that I know, they celebrate with mine without problems. I wish that we can go back into that time when there are no complications. If there is one thing during the holidays, it is to be merry, to share, to unite.

What is offensive about saying CHRIST? None. I can deal with the hypocrites. They asked us not to wish them a MERRY CHRISTMAS because of Christ, were we asked what we think about doing such a thing? Because taking out Christ in Christmas is offensive to us Christians. Too much for me, and I am not a religious person.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

tickle your taste buds - lechon de leche

Photo credits here

I have been craving for lechon (roasted pig, in this case I am craving for lechon de leche or roasted suckling pig)  ever since I came here in Angeles City, Pampanga. They have their own variety of roasted pigs but what I miss is how we Kagay-anons (native of Cagayan de Oro) cook our roasted pigs.

The dressed pig is stuffed with lemon grass (tanglad!) and other spices, which makes it smell yummy. The aroma of the lemon grass is heavenly, sadly that is one ingredient not commonly used where I'm at.

I miss the festive mood it sets when we have a roasted pig on our dining table. It is the highlight of the dining ambiance. You can see the anticipation of the people waiting in line to get their hands on the crispy skin of the roasted pig. The crack of the ribs and the taste of the lechon's tummy. If the occasion permit it, we eat with our hands, dip the meat in a spiced vinegar. Yum!

I'm hungry already. I want one for my son's birthday.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

SMART Retailer Updates

Ways to update the Smartload Menu:

Type SLOAD then send to 343

Type PULL MENU then send to 343

Type GetSL then send to 343

To get Red Mobile:

Type GETRED then send to 9992

To get SmartBRO:

Type GET BRO then send to 2200

Saturday, November 12, 2011


How do you grieve? Today, the help left, she has become a close friend of mine. I thought I have shielded myself from her tales of the day annoyances. Ranging from her never-ending rants and complaints of how tired she was or her children's troubles.

But when she left today, she waited for me before going away. Then she said her goodbyes. When I was inside my room, I cried and cried. I don't understand why. I felt like my heart would explode. I will miss her. I will miss her daily noise at the dorm. Her rants. Her complaints. Her.

She is one friend who listens. Even if some of her tales annoy me, they amuse me as well. I tell you, she isn't rich. She lives for the day. I help whenever I can.

When she left, I asked myself; what did I learn from her? What have she learned from me? I don't know the answer to the latter, but I know what I learned from her:

There is goodness in each and every person, no matter what their social standing is.
To never ever ever rant about your boss to the neighborhood because you don't know which ones are your friends and which ones will tell on you (hence, get you fired),
Value your friends.
Respect for everything.
Never step on people because you never know when your time is up and when you are going down.
Love your family. Unconditionally.

I'm sure, there's a lot more I have learned once I can think rationally. Right now I am nursing my heartache. I know I will get over this, but for the time being, just let me savor the pain.

Locked up

I have been wanting to write something these past few days, but sadly I cannot come up with anything. There are far too many things that has been going on inside my head, discussions, arguments, but I cannot write them.

I felt that there is that need to say it, to type it down, but it feels like if I do so, I am committing a crime against secrecy. The need to keep things inside, bottled up has been practiced far too long that telling what is inside my heart feels like betrayal.

I think I am suffering from an emotional block. It is rather difficult to embrace the change I want to impose upon myself. To open up and express. Seldom, when I do that verbally, I end up saying something different than what's inside my heart. I find it difficult to write them down because later on I would think of what to write nicely instead of just writing and let it flow naturally. I'm easily bothered by a lot of things, like, people to impress because they might say something otherwise about what I write.

I often berate myself over something that shouldn't even be bothered to make a fuss about. I think that's the problem. I am too focused on what others will say that I get lost in track and slowly, I crawl back to my shell and shield myself from what can hurt me.

I want to be able to deal with myself honestly, because when I am passionately angry, I have no difficulty expressing myself, and I want that in my writing. To be truly honest about what I feel. To tell the story inside my heart. To rid myself of all these negative things that destroys the epicenter of my being.

By starting this now, I think I am one step ahead.

Friday, November 11, 2011

raising kids

Seeing this picture made me look upon myself. The texts in this image are nice and wonderful, but instilling these kinds of values in children is challenging. I applaud the mother's who raised fine children of this stature. When we meet this kind of woman today, we view it as a rare display of values, integrity, self-confidence; a healthy self-image.
A year ago, I was single person (no attachments whatsoever!), committed to a relationship and loving it. I didn't entertain the idea of having kids, thus being protected. For some reason, the One who keeps the ball rolling have other ideas in mind and I got pregnant. 9 months after, now I am caring and raising a son. It is my turn to take up the challenge in raising him to be that kind of man that treats women with all these noble values. I hope I am up for it.

Tat-Tell-Tale - More Tales To Tell



I saw this picture today in FB, after looking at it for a few seconds too long, I was teary-eyed. Even if I already moved on and looked at other pictures, the image never left my head. It is heart-breaking for me to see the frail-old man with the loyal dog in his bedside.

If people can't be moved by that, I would wonder what's really wrong with humanity.

Tat-Tell-Tale - More Tales to Tell

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pet Peeves

Inspired by Rexxa's article, I thought about my own pet peeves, realizing that I have tons in my head and there's just too many that annoys me. I think I am a control freak.

Here goes.

- People who chew their food too loud.
- Farting without excusing themselves.
- People who talks too loud as if the one they're talking to is at the other side of the mountain. *sigh
- People who thinks they know it all.
- People who moves too slow (not including the old people ok?)
- People who procrastinates when they can do everything today.
- Chronic Whiner
- People who nags
- People who picks their nose in front of you(duh!!!!)
- Doesn't say thank you or please and have a great sense of entitlement (puhleasseeeee)
- Too many flowery words when they speak. Why not try this; Get to the point? Anyone?
- Backstabbers
- Txt wrtng! And still have the nerve to ask you why is it difficult to spell...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Select those you hang-out with


We all have our place in this world, sometimes we cannot make it alone, we need somebody there to inspire us, to teach us, to push us. Choose wisely on who we become acquainted with and be wise enough to know who to follow and not to listen to.

Tat-Tell-Tale -more tales to tell

Thanksgiving month #5 - Wisdom learned from experience


November is a thanksgiving month, and although it is never celebrated from where I am from, I am going to take part in it my own way. I will come up with 30 things to be thankful for the whole month, that would be one thing to be thankful for each day.
To start of:
#1: I am thankful for my son Sam, for making my world become alive and making me love like a child all over again.
#2: Nobody can replace FAMILY. For that, I am thankful that I have a supportive, loving and the craziest family ever!
#3. For the furry friends who give unconditional love, they make the world a whole lot better to live in.
#4. Sense of humor. Just being able to laugh off a sarcastic remark is a gift in itself. Thank you for that.
#5. Wisdom. By just knowing all the difference on when to say things, what to say to them, who to tell it to is a wisdom learned through experience.

Tat-Tell-Tale - more tales to tell

Thanksgiving month


November is a thanksgiving month, and although it is never celebrated from where I am from, I am going to take part in it my own way. I will come up with 30 things to be thankful for the whole month, that would be one thing to be thankful for each day.
To start of:
#1: I am thankful for my son Sam, for making my world become alive and making me love like a child all over again.
#2: Nobody can replace FAMILY. For that, I am thankful that I have a supportive, loving and the craziest family ever!
#3. For the furry friends who give unconditional love, they make the world a whole lot better to live in.
#4. Sense of humor. Just being able to laugh off a sarcastic remark is a gift in itself. Thank you for that.

Tat-Tell-Tale - more tales to tell

Thanksgiving month


November is a thanksgiving month, and although it is never celebrated from where I am from, I am going to take part in it my own way. I will come up with 30 things to be thankful for the whole month, that would be one thing to be thankful for each day.
To start of:
#1: I am thankful for my son Sam, for making my world become alive and making me love like a child all over again.
#2: Nobody can replace FAMILY. For that, I am thankful that I have a supportive, loving and the craziest family ever!
#3: For the furry friends who give unconditional love, they make the world a whole lot better to live in.

Tat-Tell-Tale - more tales to tell

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thanksgiving month


November is a thanksgiving month, and although it is never celebrated from where I am from, I am going to take part in it my own way. I will come up with 30 things to be thankful for the whole month, that would be one thing to be thankful for each day.
To start of:
#1: I am thankful for my son Sam, for making my world become alive and making me love like a child all over again.
#2: Nobody can replace FAMILY. For that, I am thankful that I have a supportive, loving and the craziest family ever!

Tat-Tell-Tale - More tales to tell

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thanksgiving month

photo credit: mayasgrove.blogspot.com

November is a thanksgiving month, and although it is never celebrated from where I am from, I am going to take part in it my own way. I will come up with 30 things to be thankful for the whole month, that would be one thing to be thankful for each day.

To start of:

#1: I am thankful for my son Sam, for making my world become alive and making me love like a child all over again.

Tat-Tell-Tale -More Tales to Tell

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

find the mistake


Find the mistake but don't post it. Share if you like it.

Tat-Tell-Tale - more tales to tell

Getting around

You know you have been online for so long that you can't remember since when you started sitting there. Reality bites. Get down there, mom and dad misses you!
Does this sound like it's in your own household?

Tat-Tell-Tale - more tales to tell


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