Friday, March 30, 2012

Respect Life In All Forms

I have seen pictures like this and it never fails to make me feel sad.

I am an animal lover through and through, and seeing this again brings back those sad memories about cats I find then and now in some nook and cranny areas, trash cans and other dumps.

You see, in my country, animals are not fairly treated much like America.

 Here, though not all, they are treated like things that they can discard as easy as a crumpled paper.

I have seen my share of cats and kittens in garbage dumps, sometimes well enough, more often, they are in worst shape that I can only take them home with me to die with a little dignity. I try my best to treat them with what I have, taking them to a local vet for advice and some medication to administer.

This image makes me empathize for this feline, it needs comfort, and companionship. It needs a home.

I hope that more people will teach their children to respect animals no matter how small or big or what they are. These children when taught earlier, will grow to also teach their children. Respect is just a relative word. It doesn't really matter who it is you are giving it to. 

Countless times my life has been saved from being ruined all because of these furry creatures. If only people would understand how it feels like to have someone to love and care for.

In memory of all my furry friends.

Ador. Both eyes are blind from glaucoma.

Monet and me

Amiga and her kitten


Heybie and pitpit

From Left to Right: Jaguar, Pitpit, Kaging, Papots, Heybie, Seydie

Papots on my exam day

Monet and Papots


  1. I always wonder what kind of life they had before we found them, i am just glad these kitty cats were part of my life..(i miss them so much..)

  2. Do you know? Control pet population is only way to stop pet from suffering..........



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